Contact Reflex Analysis: Getting to the Heart of the Matter teaches the foundational technique and sequences of CRA with a focus on the heart. What happens to the heart—the physical and metaphysical heart—affects the entire body.
Imagine a man with the heart of a healer, who was invested in not just serving his patients but also educating and serving all those involved. I'm talking about Dr. Versendaal here- founder and developer of Contact Reflex Analysis. He loved the healers of the world, especially those of the chiropractic profession.
Contact Reflex Analysis: Getting to the Heart of the Matter is the CRA Module 1 textbook written by Dawn Ranae Hoezee (Versendaal). She is the daughter of Dr. Dick Versendaal. The book introduces the reader to Dr. Versendaal and the foundational CRA technique and sequences.
Each one of the CRA sequences taught in module 1 is powerful and comprehensive. Even advanced CRA practitioners continue to utilize the Master Heart Sequence and the Foot Testing Sequence into all other testing. It is simple. It is comprehensive. It provides powerful results.
Here is a list of the chapters: