This set of 10 DVDs was professionally videotaped at a CRA seminar taught by Dr. Dick Versendaal, in Tampa, FL in 2012.
At the time of this seminar module 1 and module 2 did not exist. Dr. Versendaal taught many sequences as separate windows into the body. Doctors learned them all and figured out which they wanted to use when they got back to the office. (The current training uses modules to put all of Dr. Versendaal’s genius into one system.)
At this seminar Dr. Versendaal teaches a simple CRA sequence that beginners love and veteran CRA practitioners can easily implement into their current CRA toolbox. It is called the Head Tip Sequence. This is a module 1 sequence that also incorporates the Master Heart Sequence and Foot Balancing Sequence. He also teaches the Urgent Wellness Sequence, which is now taught in CRA module 2.
As part of the educational process at the seminar, people with various symptoms and syndromes were analyzed using CRA. Some of these include weight loss, insomnia, exhaustion, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, joint issues, allergies, headaches, poor memory, arthritis, auto immune issues and more.